I often like to have two color options available for a design and am often surprised by which one people people prefer. Here are some recent ones. In the comments, tell me which versions you like better, a or b. The "a"s are all the original colors, while the "b"s are changed in Photoshop. So leave your votes in the comments below, and let me know if you have any other ideas for color changes, or of what I should draw next. Currently I'm working on some more scripture. And my top secret project. Hope you have a peaceful Saturday
Nancy Carmack
3/14/2015 10:41:46 am
I like the colored ones. I guess that would be a, a, and b.
3/14/2015 11:48:54 am
thanks for answering! and i can tell you about the secret project on the phone sometime, its just commissioned to be a gift for someone, so I can't go posting it on the internets
3/14/2015 12:10:54 pm
The two words "top secret" always gets my attention!
3/14/2015 12:49:31 pm
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